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Annual Hong Kong Boccia Competition for the Elderly

Since 2003, Helping Hand have been introducing and promoting this sport to the elderly, and provide related training so that they can show their skills and enjoy the sport. 


Accessible sport for all 

The ball used in boccia is very light and suitable for all people, including the frail and even wheelchair-bound elderly and disabled people.It is the best sport for elderly  as it can strengthen their back strength and hand-eye coordination, help them to develop their potential, affirm their self-image and widen their social circle.

The tournament attracts more than 1,000 participants every year, reflecting the popularity of boccia among the elderly.

Boccia promotion courses 

We provide two categories of Boccia promotion courses:

1. Trial classes

Aim to provide participants with an initial understanding of the basic gameplay and simple rules of boccia. It is primarily targeted to groups interested in boccia.

2.  Instructor training classes

Aim to train as instructors to help the elderly learn boccia, game skills, and game strategies. It is aimed at staff from various organisations, as well as those interested in boccia.

Annual Boccia Competition for the Elderly 

Boccia Competition for the Elderly 2024 will be held on 29 October, 2024 at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground.  The competition is divided into three groups to cope with the various conditions of the elderly. The deadline for registration is 31 August 31, 2024.  

Please join us in helping the elderly achieve their full potential and live more contentedly!

Registration has closed

Promotional poster for Boccia courses and competition held by Helping Hand

Hong Kong Boccia Competition  for the Elderly 2024

A Great Success

Helping Hand’s Annual Hong Kong Boccia Competition for the Elderly was held on October 29th and was another resounding success, with over 375 participants, 174 Teams and 80 Elderly Centres and Care Homes taking part.

Again nearly 100 volunteers and staff ensured a fast moving and well run event. 

Boccia Brings Joy to Seniors’ Lives

After months of practice, strategising and co-ordinating with their team mates, Hong Kong’s enthusiastic elderly showed up at the Tseung Kwan O Indoor sports Hall to compete in the Senior Citizens’ fastest growing sport. This year the tournament included many wheelchair-bound participants and many in their 80’s and 90’s Our prize for the oldest player went to Po Lam’s Lau Moon-wing at 99 years of age! The benefits are immense; great for cognitive skills, physical and social benefits and of course, great fun! 

Helping Hand has been promoting Boccia, a game designed originally for those with cerebral palsy, ever since our Head of Physio, Rosa Ma, introduced the sport, to our homes in 2004. After slightly adapting the game to better suit the elderly, Rosa then began spreading it to other Hong Kong Homes, outside those of Helping Hand. The result,- this extraordinary competition for Kong Kong’s senior citizens, which proves our lives shouldn’t be defined by age! 

Congratulations to all the winners of the Annual Hong Kong Boccia Competition for the Elderly! We are proud of every participant and their achievements. The full list of awardees can be found here.

Hong Kong Boccia Competition 
for the Elderly 2024

Time   :10:00 AM  - 5:00 PM
Venue:Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre Main Arena

Details (Chinese only)

  View participation details           Download Poster      Competition application form download   Winner list   

For Enquiries 
    :(852) 2144 9969
Fax    :(852) 2144 9906

This year’s Competition is fully supported by 


明珠雜誌《Pearl Magazine-Never Stop Playing》

Boccia Gallery

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